0 Art & Biscuits

Bringing together various projects targeting the needs of different members of our community, Art & Biscuits aims to create lifelong learning opportunities for disabled and D/deaf people accessing the arts.

Art & Biscuits is a unique programme of vibrant, fun and creatively challenging arts outreach activities run by the University of Atypical. One of our most successful ongoing Art & Biscuits projects invites adults with memory difficulties, early-stage dementia, or Alzheimer’s, to the Atypical Gallery to chat, create and explore different artworks over tea and biscuits.

Each session is led by disabled artists, all of whom have had dementia-related training. If you would like to get involved in Art & Biscuits please contact administration@universityofatypical.org or call us on 028 90239450.

Want to get involved?

Register your interest in our Arts & Biscuits programmes via email, phone or submission form.

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