University of Atypical Graduate Award
The UofA Graduate Art Award is open to graduating Fine Art students from Ulster University who identify as d/Deaf, disabled or neurodiverse. The UofA Graduate Art Award is a career development programme supporting emerging artists and includes mentoring and a solo exhibition in the Atypical Gallery in Belfast.
UofA welcomes applications from emerging artists working in any artform.
Award Details:
The UofA Graduate Art Award includes the following
Solo Exhibition – Atypical Gallery in 2024
Exhibition/artist Fee – £300
Materials budget – £300
Mentoring sessions with an established artist/s
Career development advice
Development of an Access Requirements Brief
Technical support
Marketing and promotion
How to apply:
You must complete the online application form on the UofA website:
All information must be attached to / uploaded with your application form and be clearly labelled including your name and contact details.
Please contact UofA if you have any access requirements or need help to complete the application form.
UofA accepts applications in different formats and you can contact UofA to discuss options that meet your access requirements.
UofA’s decision making process:
Your application will be reviewed by a selection panel and the panel will assess your application against the following criteria:
– quality of proposal (40%)
– potential positive impact for you and your practice (40%)
– quality of submitted support material. (20%)
Submitting your application:
The application deadline is :
Thursday 25th May 2023 by 4 p.m.
UofA cannot accept applications received after this time or date.
Award queries should be submitted via email to:
Access requirement questions/queries should be submitted via email to: